A conversational AI search engine developed to alleviate the need to contact the IT help desk representative.
JavaScript React Meteor Artifical Intelligence
Read MoreMy team developed a full body motion capture suit that tracked user's motion for virtual reality
C# Python Arduino
Read MoreFor our EE 160 final project, my team developed an ASCII based shooter that runs in the console window.
Read More17 Dec 2024
Introduction: In my final semester of my college career, I enrolled in ICS 414: Software Engineering II under Professor Cam Moore. As part of this course, I joined a team tasked with building a product for a real-world client. This...
Software Engineering Design Patterns
11 Dec 2023
Unveiling the World of Programming In the Fall semester of 2023, a transformative journey into the world of programming commenced for me through the immersive experience provided by ICS 314: Software Engineering. This course served as a catalyst in shaping...
Software Engineering Open Source Software Development Agile Project Management
29 Nov 2023
Introduction: In 1994 the Gang of Four (GOF) released their famous book Design Patterns, introducing to the world twenty-three object oriented design patterns that would go on to revolutionize the software engineering field. Now in 2023, this essay will attempt...
Software Engineering Design Patterns
20 Nov 2023
Introduction: The use of AI by students is seen by many as “cheating” due to its ability to produce answers for most if not all educational material. In reality AI is simply a new tool for students to use to...
Software Engineering Artifical Intelligence Education
04 Oct 2023
Introduction: In my limited experience learning and using the UI framework Bootstrap, I have struggled more than when learning new actual programming languages. Something about Bootstrap just doesn’t seem to want to click in my mind, and I often find...
Software Engineering UI Framework BootStrap